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Big girls in the back and pretty thin girls in the front,

After all that’s what the world says is pretty,

Based on ever changing Eurocentric standards.


Imma big girl- 

Big butt, big thighs, weighing 185 

Big stomach from being postpartum twice 

Big hair, big eyes, big smile,

Which means I gotta BIG MOUTH

And sorry, it doesn’t know how to stay shut,

When I feel like something’s not right or just.



Those are truly key, in all of this. 

You’re beautiful” (enough)

“You’re great!” (but not to headline)


And the general RESPONSE:

” I hear you but...(explanation)

“I apologize but…. (justification)

“Well, it’s good enough”

“Why are you bringing up this stuff?” 

“That was never my intention”


You don’t get a free pass because your “intentions were good,”

What you say may be short and sweet, but your words are still cutting.

Your ignorance is not B L I S S 

So how am I the bad guy in all of this?

I’m pointing out what’s wrong and what’s right,

You back yourself into a corner and indirectly put the blame on me,

That’s not fair, and it’s not nice.


So if I stand up I’m  A T T A C K I N G

And if I stand down, I’m FLOATING

So what is the place for me? 


People preach, to speak things with PEACE and LOVE;





There’s no peace without LOVE 

There’s no love without ACCEPTANCE 

And not everyone is accepted the SAME 


You can tell me I’m being dramatic

But then I assume you are either white, thin, and/or pretty,

And wouldn’t get it

Because you are well R E P R E S E N T E D.


The truth is big girls DO cry,

And big girls get pushed aside,

But then big girls push back 

And they go, “I’m not just a big girl in the back-


And no one’s going to stop her. 

You’re not going to silence me,

Because there’s too much of me that refuses to be unheard or unseen.


And NOT just for a big girl,

Not just my face, my hair, but ALL of me

So screw the world and their standards for beauty!

And anyone that subscribes to thin, white, pretty,

That’s pretty petty, 

Because you are cheating yourself out of seeing so much 

🥀~B E A U T Y~🥀

The truth is ALL girls belong in the front,

And that back row should be empty.





Art is interpretive. As the artist of this writing piece, I would like to explain my interpretation: 

 I want to acknowledge difficult topics and have these hard conversations, to learn and grow from one another.

Pretty and thin always win- that is truly the way of the world. So let’s just call it what it is. Now knowing that is the way of world and acknowledging that truth and its harmful effects are two completely separate things. So when people make blanket statements like “everybody is beautiful as they are” but then only a certain body type is represented (a.k.a. thinner, white or as close white as possible) disproportionately to other shapes, sizes, and colors, NO you aren’t showing that you believe “every body is beautiful as they are;” You are still subscribing to that Eurocentric standard (a.k.a. white culture is the norm).

People then try to defend with mindsets like “Well, change needs to happen but we’re/they’re still doing a decent job,” or “That wasn’t my intention so can you just accept that and drop it?,” or “Here we go again… why can’t you just focus on other good things that are going on instead?”, or “Well everyone struggles with different things,” as if somehow this all excuses or negates the fact that change still needs to occur.These statements and mindsets are the equivalent of when someone says “Black Lives Matter” and then another person responds ignorantly/arrogantly “Well, All lives matter really,” and thinks they caused no harm. You literally dropped a bomb, ran away and naively acted as if you had nothing to do with the inevitable explosion; but you get to go about your life, unaffected. 

 Then some people ask, seemingly sympathetic, what they can do to change things. So, you give them a specific answer, but they don’t execute it. This is the same mindset of asking someone, ” How are you doing?” but expecting that they’ll just say they’re “fine”, because then you get the credit of offering help without actually having to do anything to help. So when someone actually offers solutions, many times they are met with silence, or that person is perceived as crossing the line/aggressive. Then when nothing changes and that person gets angry about it, they are the ones that look like the overreactive monster while the other party appears seemingly innocent. And at the end of the day,


All that person was trying to do was advocate for

~R E A L  C H A N G E~


So what do we learn here kids?  That we as a society like the idea of change but don’t really want to change things, because it can potentially cause discomfort, be a lot of work, and dare I say it- disturb the “status quo.” As a society we want the credit for appearing willing to change without actually having to execute change.

These things happen so subtly that people don’t even realize that it’s happening, or worse, that they are taking part in it. That’s why it’s called a


~M I C R O A G G R E S S I O N~  


This leads into the next problem of society: most people try to diffuse a situation by justifying, explaining, or bringing in other perspectives; but what is really needed in the moment is validation alone, no further justification or explanation. Most people don’t know how to just validate, or apologize, it’s always an “I hear you but,” “I’m sorry but” and we need to just eliminate that “but” mentality.

There’s definitely a time and place to bring in different perspectives. However when someone is sharing about their struggle, that isn’t the time for those other perspectives- that is the time for sympathy and validation of feelings. That’s the core point of BLM, body positivity, reclaiming the word slut, etc. Those harmful mindsets just bleed into everything- society, relationships, etc., and people need to recognize this in order to establish REAL CHANGE. 


~What is meant to be diffusion can undermine someone’s feelings, when all they needed was validation.~



This isn’t about intentions, offensives, defensives, or hurt feelings; This is about honest acknowledgement of the truth to change things for the better.



Keep pressing on, 


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Questioning…. http://pressed.blog/questioning/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=questioning Mon, 22 Mar 2021 00:05:01 +0000 http://pressed.blog/?p=809 No filter, no shame… and I dare you to say you don’t question the same…   Would I rather hang out with atheists, agnostics, non-christians, or a flat out stranger than the Christians of today? Yes I would. And I bet Jesus would too. As a matter of fact when he walked this earth that’s […]

The post Questioning…. appeared first on Pressed.


No filter, no shame… and I dare you to say you don’t question the same…
Would I rather hang out with atheists, agnostics, non-christians, or a flat out stranger than the Christians of today? Yes I would. And I bet Jesus would too. As a matter of fact when he walked this earth that’s exactly what he did..
Today’s Christian is the modern- day Pharisee….
“You hypocrites!”…..
Why do you think so many people turn away from the faith? It’s sure not because of God or Jesus; it’s because of Christians and modern day white Protestant Christianity.
Are most Christians judgmental hypocrites? (I would say yes)
Do I denounce Christ? (No). Do I denounce Christianity? (YES)
Is Christ embarrassed of modern day Christianity? (I think so.)
“The great white hope” sent to a third world country to spread a message of whiteness – whoops
excuse me – hope, to the sad sad lowly communities…
You’re not a saint – you’re a Sinner. So get in line with the rest of us.
“Ooooh help me, I’m poor….”
Nah, if your Christians eyes were opened you would see how they’re the rich ones focusing on what matters, revering the word of God, and you’re the poor ones…
Poor in spirit…
Poor in materialism….
Poor in distraction…
I’m poor in this way too, most of us are, whether you’re Christian or not.
Is God really angry at me if I say “fuck” when I’m angry? It’s not
Like I’m saying fuck you, or fuck God
Is God angry with the woman getting the abortion, or the person judging the woman for getting an abortion? (I believe the latter is true)
“Whoever is without sin, cast the first stone…”
Why the hell do Christians paint Jesus as a white European man when he was anything but? He was a Jew, from the Middle East. He was a man of color! I much rather see a depiction of a black Jesus, than a white one
Does God despise those who identify as LGBTQA+ (I apologize if this is not the accurate acronym) or does he despise those who oppress them, dehumanize them? (The latter I believe to be true)
Does God hate me because I’ve had many sexual partners, women included, done drugs, smoked cigarettes, gotten black out drunk, been apart of a few drug deals in my past? Or does he grieve that I went through these experiences because at the heart of it I was feeling lost, insecure, and unworthy? (I believe the latter to be true)
Would God rather you go through an existential crisis and come out on the other side concluding that he’s not real, or follow a religion blindly because you’re too afraid to question and do otherwise?
At least the former is honest and real…
Is there a difference between following a God-man with a heart for saving humanity, whose seeking the will of God – and Christianity? (I 100% say yes!)
Is Jesus disappointed in the majority of those who call themselves “Christian,” but practice false humility, self-righteousness, asceticism, and legalism? (I believe this is a Hell Yes)
I drink and smoke – am I the “worst of sinners” because of it? (NO)
Should I be able to wear the sleaziest thing I can find without the fear of being objectified or raped? (Fuck yes)
Whoops, there I go being scandalous again. That’s not very Christian is it? Good thing I don’t identify as a Christian anymore…
Should the western church apologize for being stale, mostly white run, whitewashed (brainwashed)? Yes, yes they should. No wonder people want nothing to do with you, and that’s coming from someone who loves Jesus. But I can’t stand you….
“I like your Christ… but I don’t like your Christian…”
Christians – did you guys forget that when God created the world, it wasn’t complete until he created woman?
So what the fuck’s up with sexism then?…
White people, white church – do you think anyone has time to be your token fill in the blank_______- (Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Native American, Jewish, Arabic, list goes on…) friend? So you can claim that you’re “diversified”? No one’s got time for this nonsense!
Wait a minute, am I that token person for some of my white friends? Oh shit…
Or do my white girlfriends like me because I can blend in? Talk like them, act like them, straighten my hair and look like them… oh and wear Carhartt, can’t forget the Carhartt now…
Do I remind my white husband that this world, this life, was made for him, to appease him and his kind (blonde hair, blue eyes, whiter than wonder bread, tall, Christian)? Yes I do, all the fucking time. I tell him to not forget, not take it for granted, and to use his position to help others. And I will say the same to my half white sons. They will grow up knowing what’s up.
White privilege is REAL!! While this is not a question it needs to be stated. Shit, I’d be lying if I didn’t think I’ve benefited from white privilege because I’m light skinned. SO FUCKED UP
“There goes that pasty Puerto Rican…”
“Walking, talking, acting like a white girl…”
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t question, if that was part of why my husband married me.  I know when he showed someone a picture of me very tan, they asked
“Is she black?”
At the time we laughed it off… but why is that funny? What if I was black, would that have changed anything?  Maybe I should find a way to permanently change my skin dark brown- black and see if that changes the way I am seen as a Latina woman…
Do I have more white friends than friends from other ethnicities? (Unfortunately yes I do)
I need to diversify… I confessed this publicly on a stage not long ago
Do I feel whitewashed? (YES. I. FUCKING. HATE. IT.)
My husband and I purposely chose to live somewhere where our family would be the minority. A place stereotyped for being “dangerous,” “run down”, “impoverished.” The truth is, I’ve never felt more at home; I’ve never felt more community and belonging.
Is it better to spend your life working and working and working, finally dying from the exertion and then working some more, or taking a fucking break and focusing on what actually matters- family, friends, community, connections, neighbors, missions, travel, advocacy?
Isn’t it interesting how when people die, so many people have all these amazing, wonderful things to say about the dead? How their character was great; how deeply they impacted the community, and how much they’ll be missed.
I wonder if those people felt that loved and cared for when they were alive?  Sadly, we tend to tell people how we truly feel about them during times of turmoil. Maybe if we did a better job at consistently reaching out, the turmoil wouldn’t exist to begin with?
How many of you were strippers, and drug users, drug dealers, pornography addicts, promiscuous, questioned your sexuality, entertained the idea of abortion out of fear, have cheated, gone to jail or prison, maybe even have murdered, but now you’re a
“reformed Christian,” holier than thou,
and judge those very same people?
You know that many a priest, and ministers, and youth pastors have been discovered as pedophiles, rapists, and sex traffickers, right?
Holier than thou? Please… I wouldn’t be so proud of your religion right now…
You know what everyone’s problem is? We want to explain ourselves…
Give our unwanted opinions and thoughts…
Judge something that we have never had to go through..
Have you ever had an unplanned pregnancy scare? Then don’t judge abortion. Especially if you’re a man, because she didn’t climb on top of herself and get herself pregnant.
If you’re White, are you ever going to be Black? Asian? Hispanic? Arabic? A person of color? Then don’t speak for these people and act like racism doesn’t exist. Especially if you’re a white man… my white husband already knows…
At the end of the day, sorry would go a long way….
I feel like my faith (in God and humanity) is being tested and refined.
Christians, you might be pissed that I wrote this… but why don’t you turn your focus inward and ponder what you guys must of done to cause a once Christian woman to feel this way? To denounce Christianity? Maybe somewhere in there you can muster up an apology… no one needs more arguments, pride, stubbornness, criticisms, judgments, justifications…
“Take the plank out of your own eye”….
To the Church: You would do well to take a note from Daniel and Ezra from the Bible, and take on some communal guilt and apologize… apologize for the religiosity you place above God that deters people from Jesus…
To white people: you would do well to take on some communal guilt and apologize… apologize for the ways minorities have been poorly treated for centuries by the white dominant culture 
Sorry would go a long way…
I wonder if people came from a posture of love and care- in that special way we care for newborn babies – instead of rigidity and rules, if people would finally understand the love of Christ; the fact that he died for you, just for you… because he loves you.
Have I offended you with this post? Is your heart pumping faster than normal? Do you want to have words with me? Good. At least I elicited something real…
And here’s another thought to leave Christians with…
If this is Satan’s world then is it possible that he’s encouraging the continuation of Christianity, seeing how far it’s fallen from what Christ actually stood for? After all he is the antichrist, so if Christianity has become the opposite of Christ, well then Christians are doing all the work for him, aren’t they?
I’ve been a prisoner to my OCD mind for over 2 decades, shaped by the influences of Catholicism and non- denominational Christianity; stuck in legalism, and self-condemnation. Afraid to ask questions.
Now I’m saying screw it, and I feel the freedom to question.
So I’m questioning…. everything

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The Exception http://pressed.blog/the-exception/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-exception Fri, 08 May 2020 00:35:24 +0000 http://pressed.blog/?p=436   Today I wake up,  Is it going to be me? Will I be the one on your t.v. screen?   Sickness, death or harm, Is all I think about when you’re in my arms. The anxiety is crippling, But it’s better than vulnerability, It’s got to be.    Laughing, smiles; pure joy, I wish […]

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Today I wake up, 

Is it going to be me?

Will I be the one on your t.v. screen?


Sickness, death or harm,

Is all I think about when you’re in my arms.

The anxiety is crippling,

But it’s better than vulnerability,

It’s got to be. 


Laughing, smiles; pure joy,

I wish time would move slow,

This must be the climax,

and now I’m waiting for the blow.


Maybe I focus too much on what’s wrong,

Instead of what’s right,

But I know I’m not immune to hardship,

And that keeps me up at night. 


I just don’t want to fall into the deception,

That I could never be the exception.


The problem is,

This isn’t how I’m called to live, 

I was given life to live to the full, 

I can’t let anxiety and fear rule.


The truth is, control is an illusion; I can’t protect you,

 I’ll do my best, and trust that God will see you through.

If you don’t believe that’s true, I really don’t blame you,

And I hope you find a path that leads to peace and truth.


Today, I let off the brakes, 

And I’m more willing to embrace,

A life of joy, and of weeping,

In my wake, and in my sleeping.


So today,

I can accept wherever this life leads me,

Whether I’m the exception, or keeping on breathing.



This poem was the culmination of conversations with family and friends, about the anxieties of life. We shared similar feelings of trying to live life fully against the uncertainty of loved ones or ourselves succumbing to illness, concerns of social re-engagement from the Covid-19 pandemic, and other kinds of hardships. From friends giving birth to their babies during this trying time, stories of people who experienced loss of loved ones, to my husband coming close to being furloughed, anxiety and stress definitely has been running high. I would wake up most mornings with a heavy weight in my chest. After exploring it further, I realized I was worrying if this would be the day that I or a loved one would experience harm or hardship- be the exception. 

For those who battle anxiety and OCD, it can be difficult to find that balance between living like everything is a threat in order to preserve your life, vs. living like nothing’s a threat in order to live your life; we tend to lean more toward the former. However, I came to the realization that living every day in fear of something bad happening, is not how I am called to live. The truth is, no day is guaranteed, and this has always been the case. That being said, I am trying to be grateful for what each day brings, whether positive or negative; however trying to view the negative as an opportunity to practice endurance and growth. This isn’t a blanket statement, and it will not be easy to practice a positive perspective toward all hardships. There are some hardships that are flat out unfair or unjust, leaving us barely keeping our heads above water. But sometimes, all we can do is try. For me, these are the times that I rely heavily on my faith, as well as the support of family and friends. 


During this time of quarantine, I have found that Telehealth counseling (i.e. confidential virtual therapy services) has been extremely beneficial. If you or someone you know struggles with any sort of mental health disorder/challenges, especially during this unprecedented time, I would highly recommend this service. Here are some options for Telehealth mental health services:

*These services appear to be secure and HIPAA compliant


Additionally, please review these mental health resources for more support:

  • Nationally 
  • Metro-Detroit/ surrounding areas, Michigan 

* During this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, I am unsure what services are provided through these organizations. However, I still encourage individuals who live near these organizations to contact them. 

  •  Online/ App Store: 
    • Headspace, a mindfulness and meditation App
    • Mindfulness Coach App
    • One Minute Pause App
    • Soul time Christian Meditation App
    • Meditation Oasis App bundle- includes Simply Being, Breathe & Relax, iSleep Easy, Walking Meditations, and more in this bundle. Also each of these Apps can be purchased separately. 


These and other resources can be found on the Pressed resource page. These resources are just a selection.  I would encourage everyone to do research and look up other mental services and resources, especially community resources closer to where you live. For any Telehealth mental health services, I encourage you to make sure that the service is confidential and HIPAA compliant (legally they all should be, but it is always best to do your due diligence). 


As always, keep pressing on,



The post The Exception appeared first on Pressed.
