Mental Health • Self Care • Purpose
What is Pressed?
Pressed is a writing forum shining light on mental health, self-care, and figuring out purpose in life. When we feel pressed – overwhelmed, pressured, fatigued, insecure, hurt, numb – it tends to be difficult to keep pushing on with our every day living, or pressing on. Pressed was created to remind people that they are not alone, their feelings are validated, and everyone has unique value.
Why Pressed?
When I was thinking of naming this blog, the word “pressed” stuck out in my mind. I had an awesome friend highlight how the word “press” is found within the word depression, and that stuck with me. Press. Pressed. Then I thought, if we feel pressed in too much, it gets really hard to press on; I’m assuming this is true no matter where you are in life, or how young or old you are. However, I want you to know that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel; at times we may feel hard pressed, but we’re not crushed and we don’t have to stay defeated.
Recent Posts
Pretty Girls 🥀
Big girls in the back and pretty thin girls in the front, After all that’s what the world says is pretty, Based on ever changing Eurocentric standards. 🥀 Imma big girl- Big butt, big thighs, weighing 185 Big stomach from being postpartum twice Big hair, big eyes, big smile, Which means I gotta BIG MOUTH And […]
No filter, no shame… and I dare you to say you don’t question the same… Would I rather hang out with atheists, agnostics, non-christians, or a flat out stranger than the Christians of today? Yes I would. And I bet Jesus would too. As a matter of fact when he walked this earth that’s […]
Mental Health Series: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
..quiet. quiet. Quiet. Quiet. QUIET. LEAVE ME ALONE! This is a common sentiment with Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder, or O C D. Much like anxiety, OCD is a term that gets thrown around nonchalantly. People often say “ I’m so OCD” when they fixate on details, or need things organized a certain way. As someone […]