Day 9 of #SocialDistancing / self-quarantine got me feeling like…

We can’t control our circumstances but we can practice controlling our reactions to them.
- Gratitude #1. My health and the health of my loved ones- at the moment we are not sick and not everyone can say that right now
- Gratitude #2 SUNLIGHT and longer days- there have definitely been some gray days, but by Michigan standards, there have been a TON of sunny days lately, especially for this time of the year. I am thankful to bask in the sunlight until 7:30pm instead of the usual 4pm, like in the winter time
- Gratitude #3 Family time- I am very thankful that my husband has the ability to work from home; I understand not everyone is able to work remote right now. Having my husband work from home has created increased family time with our son. Super thankful for this!
- Gratitude #4 Technology- Yes, social media and technology in general can be soul sucking and cause, ironically, feelings of social isolation. However during this time of social distancing especially, it has been a super helpful tool to check-in with family and friends, and them with me as well. I am not big on video chatting but it has helped me stay engaged with my women’s bible study. Looking at funny memes and GIFs on Insta and Facebook has got me ROTFL! It reminds me that we are all in this together.
My gratitude list could go on. I know the things I’ve listed aren’t profound or anything new. However this time has caused me to take a step back and truly appreciate the blessings in my life, and the typical every day things I take for granted.
Once you are able to ground yourself a bit, what are some things you can do to help yourself, your family, and those around you? I would say for many of us the best thing we can do is practice social distancing, to help slow down the spread and give hospitals a fighting chance to keep up with the needs of those who are ill. This is huge and should not be taken lightly.
Yes, there are people called to serve in the community to provide for those in need during this time. I admit, I really wanted to be one of those people mobilizing in the community and helping out. I felt like that was more valuable than social distancing, and I was feeling guilty that I was not doing that. However after more prayer and reflection, I realized that this wasn’t true. I am doing my part by social distancing by ensuring my health, the health of my son, and to remain healthy in the event my husband or I need to check up on either of our grandmothers- who are some of the most vulnerable right now.
So, if you are one of those people that are able to go out in the community and serve right now, awesome and thank you so much because that is truly incredible and needed! If you are like me and are practicing social distancing, awesome and thank you so much too because that is just as valuable and just as needed! We all need to do our part.
What are some things you can do to help yourself, your family, and those around you?
I love leaving tips and tools at the end of my blogs- you might have noticed that is a common trend! In that spirit, here are some practical ways to provide self-care, keep your sanity, and do your part during this time of need:
- Keep a gratitude journal- Each day record one thing that was great about it, doesn’t have to be anything fancy, it could be one sentence. This simple act can be uplifting and keep you in a positive head space. I will start: today I was so grateful to “meet” with my women’s bible study group over zoom and push my baby around in his new cozy coupe outside!
- Quality time with family- whether it’s board games in the living room or pushing your little tot outside in a wagon, make this time intentional with your children and soak up that sunlight!
- Send funny texts, gifs, etc. to family & friends- A small thing but it can quickly bring a smile to your face and theirs 🙂 Also this can be a time to check in with family and friends about how they are doing, and be honest about how you are doing as well ❤️
- Video chat- share a meal with a friend over video chat! Download the Zoom app, Skype, or video chat over Facebook!
- Read and exercise- Great for mind and body! Have a never ending reading list like me? Perfect! Now is the time to catch up 😉 Maybe you’re not able to go to the gym but if appropriate for you, you can walk around your neighborhood? Also many gyms are now offering free virtual workouts! Say What! check out what your local gym is offering now 🙂
- (If appropriate) Contribute to local businesses- Although dining in at restaurants and coffee shops is not available (at least not in Michigan), you can still get a meal or coffee once in a while by drive thru! Great opportunity to support local businesses and treat yo’ self!
- (If appropriate) Donate- Many local organizations could use financial support for food boxes and care packages for those in the community. Many children receive their main meals for the day at school, and unfortunately schools are closed at the moment in Michigan. So, even though many of us are practicing social distancing, some of us are able to still financially support the community. Here are a few great local organizations you can support if you are in the Metro-Detroit area: Micah 6 Community and MyCovidResponse. If you do feel so led to and it is appropriate, you may consider volunteering with these organizations as well. Also if you have a neighbor in need, connect them to these services!
- Send cards to your local hospital staff- A friend of mine had this idea and it is so good, I wanted to pass it on! This small act can demonstrate your gratitude for the work they are doing right now, and really be an encouragement to them during this difficult time.
- PLEASE thank the Grocery Store employees!- Next time you hop on over to the grocery store, (hopefully only for essential items and not buying the store out of all of their toilet paper), please thank them for their hard work as well. Seriously, they are exposed to countless people daily, working long hours dealing with the swarms of people buying out Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, and food. Please be nice and show some gratitude for them!
- If you’re a praying person- PRAY. Pray for these times of uncertainty, the health of the vulnerable, those in need in the community, those who are sick and need medical attention, for health care professionals, for this virus to be contained.. the list is continuous. For those who pray, please continue to. Even if you don’t normally pray, it couldn’t hurt to. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer ❤️
Regardless of what you are doing right now, try to keep your head up, know that you are not alone and that your feelings are validated. An important thing to practice right now is self-care, because if you aren’t taking good care of yourself then you’re not going to be able to help those around you either.
As always, keep pressing on!