I would say happy birthday,
To they who shall not be named.
It’s been 2 years|3 months since my last text,
2 years|3 months since you ghosted,
Decade long friendship, (wow)
Crazy how your disregard was so flagrant.
God I wish I could let it go,
Give myself the closure I long for…
It frustrates me whenever the clock strikes 2:13,
How you would obsess about it’s fictitious underlying meaning,
I would roll my eyes internally,
Because God forbid I show negative emotion,
I’m sure you’d think me mean,
And I would be deemed A G G R E S S I V E
As you never were good with conflict.
Unfortunately, 2:13 comes everyday,
And although I don’t mean to, I never miss it.
Almost like you’re there,
Taunting me through it…
For a while I thought you would reach out,
but who am I kidding?
I know you;
Your lack of cadence
Is worse than your avoidance.
If avoidance was personified,
It would be your perfect guy,
For his lack of passion would compliment your flatline.
And maybe thats why,
Mr. 2:13 decided to leave,
Because who could be with someone
Who can’t see
The delusions they believe?
And when I tried to point this out
You shouted, taking a lunge at me
But I’m the aggressive one-
Oh, the irony!
[Still, there’s been no apology…]
If I can’t be honest,
After 10 years of this,
Then good luck and good riddance!
Ride your ignorance into bliss.
And if you haven’t guessed yet-
H O P E can be manipulative;
And my hope ran dry, nothing left to give…
So when we found ourselves at the concert
Next to each other-
The perfect place for frenemies,
I screamed out A N T I – H E R O and B A D B L O O D,
At the top of my lungs,
And dedicated them to you
[I’m sure you knew…]
To be clear, I wish you well,
Though I know you can’t tell.
And to be clear, I know I’m not perfect,
I could have definitely handled things different.
But to be clear, given the chance to reunify,
I would decline;
Because i’m growing forward,
Not pressing rewind.
So if this you shall see,
Then read it and weep!
Because knowing you (and I do)-
You will without my telling you to.
So farewell 2:13, I know it’s been over;
And in the words of your favorite girl!
“i don’T need your cloSure”.