In the spirit of clapping yourself on- what are some things that you are really good at? Like I talked about in my last post, we often focus on what other people are good at but down play our own skills and talents. I think part of why we do this is because we have an interest in something awesome, but we may feel like we don’t know how to get started or we persuade ourselves into not pursuing it altogether.
I, for instance, love to write (i.e. this blog). I especially love writing poetry and used to share at an Open Mic night weekly back when I attended Oakland University. It scared the crap out of me every time – but I did it and felt exhilarated afterward. It was life giving and I felt like I was making purpose out of a passion of mine. Eventually, I fell out of it. It got harder to motivate myself to get on stage each time. Over time, I fell into that lovely comparison game and thought about how other people where more talented and had something better to offer than I did with my poetry. I started thinking about other things I loved too like art, photography, cinema – anything really in the creative arts. However, I realized everyone and their mother was pursuing these things already, so I thought why would I as well? I knew friends that were doing blogs; I had tons of friends and mutual friends that were heavy into photography and were really good at it. So I thought, why bother? For a little while whenever I heard someone was pursuing writing or photography for instance, I thought to myself, “Why? Everyone else is already doing that. Why be yet another person.?” Without realizing it, I was devaluing myself, and slowly, devaluing others as well.
What are some things that you are really good at?
This attitude created anger, resentment, and a feeling like I was fading into the background. When you work too much and don’t get enough sleep at night, this lowers your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Well, the same is true for mental health; my unhelpful thoughts and feelings made me more vulnerable to my OCD struggles, creating more anxiety, irritation, anger, and leading to depression. Sometimes we feel like not pursuing our passions isn’t that big of a deal, because there’s a chance that it won’t become anything anyway. Let me tell you, it’s a very big deal! Not pursuing these things chips away at you slowly, leading you to feel unimportant and invisible. Pursing your passions is the thing that breathes life into your soul <3
Here’s a fun little example; In the movie Yes Man, starring Jim Carrey and Zoey Dechanel, Zoey’s character was a complete free spirit. She led running photography lessons – uh, what? However, I loved her attitude about it! She basically said that she knew there wasn’t a demand for blurry photos, but it didn’t matter to her, she did it because she loved it and it was fun for her! The same is true for us. Our passions may not get some award recognition, you may not be nominated for a Grammy or an Oscar, and your name may never be world renowned, but that doesn’t mean that what you have to offer isn’t important – it is! You may not impact the world, but you can impact your community, your friends, or your family. How about showing yourself what you’re made of?
I admit I wasn’t all gung-ho about starting yet another blog. I did feel led to write again, but I didn’t want to be another person adding to the abundance of people doing the same thing. Then I remember hearing a pastor talk about starting yet another local church in my area. He basically described having these same types of feelings – why should I start another church when there are so many? But I loved what he said next; He wasn’t doing it because there was a plethora of or a lack of churches, he was planting another church because he felt called to it. Whoomp! There it is! After reflecting on that, and for me, praying about next steps, I felt led to start this blog. Then boom, Pressed was born.
If 500 people are doing the thing you want to do, well, I guess you will make 501 – world, deal with it! People don’t have a copyright on your dreams.
In conclusion, pursuing your passions isn’t always about making a big name for yourself. Some people will make big names for themselves with their talents and that’s seriously amazing! However pursuing your passions and making an impact on yourself or the few people around you is just as profound. I don’t really know if this blog is going to become anything. There might be 500 people reading this or 5 – but either is just as valuable. Pursuing your passions also isn’t about whether or not other people are doing the same dang thing! If 500 people are doing the thing you want to do, well, I guess you will make 501 – world, deal with it! People don’t have a copyright on your dreams.
So what are you waiting for? Ready, Set, van GOgh! Because Rome wasn’t built in a day, and J.K. Rowling created Harry Potter as a single mother living on welfare. You can do this, even if you feel like you can’t. I believe in your abilities.
Keep pressing on,