About Pressed

Pressed in. Press on. 

Many people struggle with feeling overwhelmed, underappreciated, and overlooked in different seasons of life. On top of that, many people struggle with mental health issues with either little support and self-care, or in complete isolation; often the lack of help leads to hopelessness. Pressed was created to authentically discuss these very real life experiences, reminding people that they are not alone in their journeys, and their feelings are validated.

Pressed also aims to highlight the importance of proper support, self-care, and resources in  order to continue pressing on through life’s difficulties. Proper support, paired with feeling validated and valued, are essential for people to truly believe that their life is full of purpose, and in understanding what that purpose is. 

So friend, the good news is that even when we feel like the walls are closing in on us and we are feeling pressed in on all sides, we don’t have to stay in that defeated place – we can redefine the word press and use it to press on!

About the Writer

Amanda Cruz Herberg is a 30 year-old Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), out of the Metro-Detroit area in Michigan. Amanda previously practiced as a trauma therapist at a local Child Advocacy Center, and currently is a stay at home mother. Amanda lives with a diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a mental health disorder not widely discussed in the mental health community. With her life experiences of navigating mental health issues and the pressures of every day life, paired with her professional experiences, Amanda founded Pressed, as a way to relate to others as they journey through life’s difficulties.